Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Rest...or makeup workout...or skill day!
Today is the first day of our new format. Every third day from now on will be a rest day (for those of you who have worked out the previous two days). If you missed a workout, you may make up that workout; the only stipulation is that it has to be one of the workouts from the previous two days (e.g. you can't just pick any old workout). If you don't feel like resting, you can use the day as an opportunity to work on an exercise that is giving you problems. For example, if you're trying to get your pullups, work on technique, ask questions of the instructor, and work at those pullups, even if it's just one attempt at a time. Poor runner? Work on running. Even if you aren't a poor runner, you can always work on getting that time down. You get the idea. You can even work on a particular lift if you aren't quite getting it. Again gang, this isn't free time to just do whatever you want. You'll be expected to tell the instructor what you'll be working on at the start of class. My suggestion (and what I intend to do) is to pick something that you aren't good at, and make that your focus for the month.
+48 pushups.
Check out me and Steve, hard at work calculating the FGB totals. Hey, the math was hard! Look at us, surrounded by coffee, water, even gatorade because we were slaving away. Please note Alan in the background getting a beer...
Monday, September 29, 2008
WOD September 29, 2008
Pukie can't seem to stay loyal to any one particular girl...
Double Unders (or tuck jumps- NO singles!)
Situps (your choice- GHD or abmat or some combination thereof)
+47 pushups.
Pushups got you down? Hey- we're almost half way there!!! Good stuff, right?
A couple of words about double unders...they are hard. OK, that was 3 words. But they are a lot about technique. Don't have your double under yet? Here are a few tips: get good at regular jump roping first (if you can't do singles, you sure as heck can't do doubles); jump a few singles, then try a double (don't try a double from a stand still when you're learning-- you'll never get it); after you've got one, just keep practicing (do a few singles, then a double, then continue into singles, etc. etc.). While you're learning, if the rope makes it 3x around, that counts as one (provided you're jumping high and putting some effort in). If you just can't do 'em, tuck jumps are the way to go- you'll be doing the same amount of work and intensity, you just won't be getting the agility component of the workout.
Here, Vic demonstrates that it is possible to simultaneously kick your own ass and encourage someone else to kick their own. Don't forget to pass on a few words of encouragement to your fellow Crossfitters today!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
WOD September 29, 2008
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
+46 pushups for the Pushup Club.
Guys, this week we're going to start collecting your sizes for the Pushup Club T-shirts, too- so be aware. We're playing around with what will go on the shirt, and may take a vote on it, so please rock the vote and give us your two cents. Otherwise, Lord knows what kind of saying Alan will come up with.
Get up there, Kev!
Crossfit360 came in 57th in fundraising out of the 197 teams that competed in FGB III!!! Hey- that's in the top third, and not bad at all for such a small team (ahem, everyone else...). Next year guys, in addition to building a kick-as* team for the Crossfit Games, I want us to be the TOP fundraisers (lofty goal, I know- this year the top fundraising team raised over $50,000 and the top individual raised over $6,000). We can do it! The best news by far is that combined, everyone blew the total goal out of the water, and we raised $530,101. That is practically double what FGB II raised.
But today, just rest, take it easy, read the paper, and manage to get in 45 pushups, at some point. Check out Joey giving Luis a run for his money...(literally)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Well, tomorrow (Saturday) is D-Day for you, Crossfitters. We'll be presenting certificates to the highest scoring male and female, as well as the person who raised the most money according to the website tomorrow morning. See you all at 10 am at Cherry!!
+44 pushups, for those of you not doing FGB (boo!)
Aww, memories. Here's a pic from our first big monthly workout!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
WOD September 26, 2008
-1 day til FGB. Get on it! Or face the wrath of Fraph! (See yesterday's post for an explanation).
Overhead Squats
CHEST UP, people!!! Arms directly overhead, locked out at full extension.
And don't forget your pushups- 43, to be exact.
Here's a little incentive, to sweeten the FGB pot. All members of the pushup club will get a pass on Saturday's 44 pushups IF they do FGB. C'mon now! If you were on the fence, that should have made your decision for you! As if that wasn't enough, check out this info that Robert alerted me to: http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/disabled-iraq-war-vets-take-to-the-surf-in-north-carolina-wounded-warriors_18793/
Pictured is the guy from Crossfit Italia. I don't know about you, but personally, I'm disappointed. I expected less. Of a bathing suit, that is. Where are the speedos?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
WOD September 25, 2008
Or should I say, "Hell-en"
3 rounds for time:
400 m run
21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
12 pullups
+42 pushups
Hey- I know how to get people to come on Saturday. I shall make a rule that anyone who does not workout on Saturday at FGB will be forced to do "Fraph" on Monday. "Fraph" = Fran followed by Murph.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
WOD September 24, 2008
3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 m
Sprint 100 m
Rest as long as you need to between rounds.
+41 pushups.
I've begged. I've pleaded. I've asked. I've demanded (!) that you sign up for FGB, but alas, many of you have resisted my efforts. As such, I'm just going to let the sheer awesomeness of the causes that we are training for woo you. Among the many things that the Wounded Warrior Project does, they prepare backpacks filled with pajamas, tolietries, etc. for wounded soldiers who arrive stateside at medical centers with only the hospital gown on their backs. It's often the first thing that recovering soldiers mention when asked about the WWP. It’s the same with all the combat-injured troops. They’re whisked from the scene where they were wounded; their uniforms are taken at the first medical station they reach. They go one way, usually to Landstuhl; their belongings, what little they have in Iraq or Afghanistan, goes somewhere else. The troops arrive at stateside military medical centers in hospital gowns; often, they don’t even have toothbrushes. So a WWP backpack full of simple clothing and toiletries can be a big deal – a very big deal.
So come on and pitch in gang. For a little money and a lot of sweat, you could actually make a difference in someone's life.
Monday, September 22, 2008
WOD September 23, 2008
For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
Virtual shoveling
With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate).
+40 pushups
Don't forget the 530 class this morning, and also, the days are ticking down to...FGB!!!! So handle your business people!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
WOD September 22, 2008
30 Clean and Jerks For Time
Rx'd is 135# (no distinction noted for men vs. women). However, you may use 95, 65, 55, a PVC pipe, or any weight inbetween so long as you can complete all 30 with PROPER FORM.
39 pushups- hey, we're getting there guys.
Oh, and...530 classes start today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to bring Jason a coffee, and be sure to put on your sunniest smile, for the benefit of all around you:)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Rest...or practice your grappling!
Happy Sunday! Don't Wanderlei and Shogun look so happy here? Happy, happy! Still gotta do 38 pushups though.
On September 22, there will officially be 100 days left in the year. Anybody have any health-related New Year's resolutions that were a no-go as of January 2? Been saying you'll clean the closet or fix the garage door or write that children's book or take up needlepoint for a long time now? Maybe you've been thinking how you want to get on a regular workout schedule, come try Crossfit or one of the other programs, or lose a few pounds? You get the idea- I'm asking if you have any unfinished business, any goal that you set that has fallen by the wayside (or into the deep fryer at In-n-Out). Time to revisit, dust it off (or peel off the breading), and recommit. Post your goal or aspiration to comments for both support and encouragement, and probably ridicule. No fair saying your goal was to do over 5000 pushups this year, either.
Friday, September 19, 2008
WOD September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
WOD September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
WOD September 18, 2008
For time:
50 box jumps.
and then... Pick your Poison:
50 reps of an exercise of your choice. Your choice of something can be based on your wanting to work on a skill (e.g. pullups, GHD situps, GHD back extensions), wanting to strengthen a weak area (e.g. dips, squats, med ball cleans), or just wanting to torture yourself (e.g. burpees, wall ball). If you want to work on running, do 2-3 rounds of a 400 m run. The only rule is, no lifting today (since we lifted yesterday, and my ability to look into the future suggests that we may be lifting again very soon). Notice how I didn't say "pick what you're already really good at."
+ 35.
Check out THE WINNERS!! Please note that their failure to sign up for FGB will result in removal of their winner statuses.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
WOD September 17, 2008
I've entitled this one "Yikes." It's another Freddy special.
Four rounds for time:
200 m run with weight (grab a 14 or 16 lb dynamax)
30 kettlebell/dumbbell swings (M: 55; W: 35)
30 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls
Puking is, as always, optional.
Oh, and don't forget your 34 pushups.
And, sign up for FGB!
And, Tustinites in particular, lift seminar this Saturday at 10 (in your 'hood).
Monday, September 15, 2008
WOD September 16, 2008
4 rounds for time:
10 burpees
Run 400 m
10 broad jumps
On those broad jumps, it's not about speed. Even though the overall workout is for time, the jumps are about martialing as much power as you can from a stand still. Swing your arms, and throw your entire body weight forward for maximum distance. No bunny hopping (jumping straight up)- you do that when you do your burpees. Don't be deluded by the time on clock, because it isn't everything. I'll give you an example- last week, on that dreadful but interesting (and sometimes unbelievably irritating) show TapouT, they featured a young fighter and showed some of his training (which they always do- different fighter every time, of course). This guy got put through the ringer- box jumps, shoulder presses, plate pushes, squats, pushups, kettlebell swings, you name it. But because his form was so unbelievably crappy, I estimate that he actually did only the equivalent of 50% of his total reps. NOTHING was fully extended; on his shoulder presses the weight went from his chin to the top of his head (so he missed about a foot of effort, at least), and he kept his hip flexors completely closed on his jumps. Don't even get me started on his squats. So bear in mind- if you beat everyone's time, but you do half the work that they do...that's not really saying much. Anybody who's been Crossfitting awhile is savvy enough to know that the clock doesn't tell the whole story.
Alright, enough ranting- I've been listening to too much Adam Carolla on the way to work in the morning.
Things to remember: Lift Seminar in Tustin on September 20 at 10 am; FGB; 530 classes start on Cherry next Monday; FGB.
Check out this unbelievably cute pushup picture!!! And no, Jason, you don't get extra pushup credit for doing the added weight.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
WOD September 15, 2008
For the first round, perform 5 push-ups/10 sit-ups/15 squats. In every subsequent round, add one rep to each exercise (i.e: round 2 would be 6/11/16, round 3 would be 7/12/17, etc.). Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes. Oh and guys- we should all be trying to make our squats look like Jolie's (pictured here).
If you're working out with us today, no need to do the 32 pushups in addition to the workout (unless you don't make it to 32 to in your 20 minute span, of course). Otherwise- it's the big 3-2.
Congrats to Steven who is now Level 1 Certified.
And- I know this is last minute but I'll be doing an impromptu lift seminar tonight in Signal Hill at 530. If you can make it, great! If not- the next one is this coming Saturday at 10 am in Tustin.
PS- FGB!!!
Rest...but not in hostile territory
Friday, September 12, 2008
WOD September 13, 2008
In teams of two each team will have five minutes at each of the following stations to complete as many reps as possible. Only one team member at a time can be working. The stations are as follows:
Medball Cleans
Wall Balls
Double Unders
+30 pushups for the pushup club!
Wish Steven luck this weekend- he's going to the Level 1 Cert! More taskmasters for your pleasure and pain!
Oh- and the guys yesterday might have been cute- but check out THIS team. Me-ow!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
WOD September 12, 2008
(I feel the need to put an exclamation point afterwards).
Complete as many knees to elbows, hollow rocks, Abmat sit-ups, back extensions, GHD sit-ups and supermans as you can in 30 minutes. The catch: you must have an equal amount of reps done for each exercise at the end of 30 minutes.
You thought Coretastic was hard the last time we did it? Ha! We didn't have GHD machines then...
Oh, and: You can always do Murph or Mini Murph, if you missed them yesterday. Seriously. Did you see how awesome people felt after they completed it?! Don't you wanna get some?
Last, but most important: SIGN UP FOR FGB III. For details, talk to one of us or see the post on September 9.
To compete, all participants must complete each of the following:
1. Register with Crossfit360 by Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
2. Register with Athletes for a Cure at http://athletes.kintera.org/crossfit08 by Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
3. Raise $150 or more in pledges by 5 pm PDT on Saturday, September 27, 2008.
PS- 29 pushups.
PPS- I'll be dedicating the next few pics/posts to the August workout. Check out Jason's team: they may not have won, but they sure look good, don't they? Nice job guys.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
WOD September 11, 2008
Run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
"Mini Murph"
Run 800 m
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 squats
Run 800 m
Parse out the pullups, pushups, and squats as desired.
This workout is in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd nicknamed it 'Body Armor.'
September 11, 2001 was one of the saddest and most significant dates in American history. As a New Yorker, it has particular meaning for me. I was actually in Washington DC when it happened, in a training in the basement of the Federal Judiciary. I remember a man rushing in and saying that the Twin Towers had been bombed, and the Capitol building, too (later we realized this wasn't true). I remember rushing up the stairs from the basement, and seeing members of Congress coming down the stairs to hold an emergency meeting. It took several days for me to get back to New York (imagine traveling between the two most impossible places at that time- DC & NY). When I finally did get back, I remember there was a candlelight vigil that night. My friends and I were out on the street with thousands of other New Yorkers; everyone had candles, and dozens of people had pictures and posters of people they knew who were missing. I remember a woman asking people if they had a camera; I actually did have a disposable camera, which I had left in my bag from my trip. I gave her the camera, and she was thrilled- she wanted to take pictures of the vigil for her friend who worked in the Twin Towers, and was missing. She was so sure her friend would want to see everything. I never did find out what her friend's fate was. One of the saddest things I have ever done was help sift through the dust and parts of the wreckage (all federal departments stationed locally had to help). Believe me when I say that we saw all kinds of things, including small personal effects and traces of bone.
Take a moment today to remember all who we have lost, that day, and since.
28 pushups.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
WOD September 10, 2008
Hmm...the workouts haven't been too bad this week...I wonder if that could be because I'm planning something. Nah, not me! Never! "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!"
Did everyone see the post below? You are all competing & raising money for Fight Gone Bad III, right? Right!
Today's workout is in honor of Staff Sgt. Joshua R. Whitaker.
Hometown: Long Beach, California, U.S.
Age: 23 years old
Died: May 15, 2007 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Army, 1st Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Incident: Killed in Qalat, Afghanistan, by enemy small arms fire.
From CrossFit’s Affiliate Directors:
“We are pleased to announce that Fight Gone Bad III will be happening this year on September 27, 2008. This special event raises awareness and funds for prostate cancer through the organization called Athletes for a Cure and also for wounded soldiers through the Wounded Warrior Project. This is a really fun event where affiliates get to compete against each other and come together for a brutal workout and a good cause.”
What - Fight Gone Bad III
Where - CrossFit360
When - September 27, 2008 10 AM
One Day - One Workout - Two Causes
Fight Gone Bad II raised $550,000 for Athletes for a Cure in 2007. This year we’re proud to announce we’ve added a second charity to fight for: www.woundedwarriorproject.org
To sign up for CrossFit360's team go to http://athletes.kintera.org/crossfit08/crossfit360
Rules of Engagement
* The CrossFit workout will be ‘Fight Gone Bad’. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 3 rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the bike where each calorie is one point. The stations are:
1. Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
2. Deadlift high-pull (Reps)
3. Box jump on 20″ box (Reps)
4. Push-press (Reps)
5. Bike (Calories)
The male and female with the highest total scores, as well as the person from Crossfit360 who raises the most money, will all get workouts named after them. You will also get FGB III T-shirts by registering through Athletes for a Cure.
* To compete, all participants must complete each of the following:
1. Register with Crossfit360 by Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
2. Register with Athletes for a Cure at http://athletes.kintera.org/crossfit08 by Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
3. Raise $150 or more in pledges by 5 pm PDT on Saturday, September 27, 2008.
4. All donations counting toward the awards must be received by 5 pm PDT September 29, 2008.
* Highest Fundraising Facility Awards (Two Divisions)
o More than 25 participants: $2500 gift certificate to Bigger, Faster, Stronger
o Less than 25 participants: $1500
o Should a smaller facility win the highest fundraising award, they will receive the entire $4,000. gift certificate.
* Last year’s highest fundraising Affiliates were:
o More than 25 Participants: Petranek Fitness- $35,872.69
o 25 Participants or Less: CrossFit Boston - $28,795.00
“We are pleased to announce that Fight Gone Bad III will be happening this year on September 27, 2008. This special event raises awareness and funds for prostate cancer through the organization called Athletes for a Cure and also for wounded soldiers through the Wounded Warrior Project. This is a really fun event where affiliates get to compete against each other and come together for a brutal workout and a good cause.”
What - Fight Gone Bad III
Where - CrossFit360
When - September 27, 2008 10 AM
One Day - One Workout - Two Causes
Fight Gone Bad II raised $550,000 for Athletes for a Cure in 2007. This year we’re proud to announce we’ve added a second charity to fight for: www.woundedwarriorproject.org
To sign up for CrossFit360's team go to http://athletes.kintera.org/crossfit08/crossfit360
Rules of Engagement
* The CrossFit workout will be ‘Fight Gone Bad’. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 3 rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the bike where each calorie is one point. The stations are:
1. Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
2. Deadlift high-pull (Reps)
3. Box jump on 20″ box (Reps)
4. Push-press (Reps)
5. Bike (Calories)
The male and female with the highest total scores, as well as the person from Crossfit360 who raises the most money, will all get workouts named after them. You will also get FGB III T-shirts by registering through Athletes for a Cure.
* To compete, all participants must complete each of the following:
1. Register with Crossfit360 by Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
2. Register with Athletes for a Cure at http://athletes.kintera.org/crossfit08 by Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
3. Raise $150 or more in pledges by 5 pm PDT on Saturday, September 27, 2008.
4. All donations counting toward the awards must be received by 5 pm PDT September 29, 2008.
* Highest Fundraising Facility Awards (Two Divisions)
o More than 25 participants: $2500 gift certificate to Bigger, Faster, Stronger
o Less than 25 participants: $1500
o Should a smaller facility win the highest fundraising award, they will receive the entire $4,000. gift certificate.
* Last year’s highest fundraising Affiliates were:
o More than 25 Participants: Petranek Fitness- $35,872.69
o 25 Participants or Less: CrossFit Boston - $28,795.00
Monday, September 8, 2008
WOD September 9, 2008
Run 400 m four times for time; rest 2 minutes between each round.
I think at this point, Luis should not be permitted to do the running workouts; it's too depressing for the rest of us.
+26 pushups today, pushup club! How are those arms & chest feeling? Golden, I bet! Me too! :)
Although we aren't doing a Heroes workout today, this workout is in honor of Specialist Roberto L. Martinez Salazar.
Hometown: Long Beach, California, U.S.
Age: 21 years old
Died: February 4, 2006 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Unit: Army, Company A, 14th Engineer Battalion, 555th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Fort Lewis, Wash.
Incident: Died when a makeshift bomb exploded near his up-armored Humvee during patrol operations in Mosul.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
WOD September 8, 2008
In observance of September 11, we will be concentrating on the Heroes Workouts this week. The entire week won't consist of Heroes Workouts (because that would just be cruel), but you'll see more of them than usual.
So, for today:
Modified "JT"
Elevated Pushups
Elevated pushups (in which you put your feet on the tire, one of the plyo benches, a stack of weights, a chair (you get the idea- an elevated surface) are pushups which prepare you for handstand pushups. We're running a modified JT because we don't have enough rings for everyone to do ring dips.
If you aren't coming in today- 25 pushups.
This workout is In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005.
Friday, September 5, 2008
WOD September 6, 2008
Push Jerk
What? Two lifting days this week? Yes. This move is great for explosiveness and timing using both your upper and lower body. GO HEAVY OR GO HOME. Anybody who finishes this workout in less than 20 minutes is NOT going heavy ENOUGH, and shall been christened "lame" by all witnessing parties.
+23 pushups. The numbers are going up, huh guys. We'll get there. Anybody have enough time on their hands to figure out how many we've done so far?
"Who are those weirdos with tattoos at the gym?" Signal Hillers, to your surprise and delight- when you go to train Saturday morning, you'll see that magically a group of Keebler Elves came and moved the ring to the Cherry ave location. You may also see some new faces (or at least some faces you usually only see over on Willow); fighter training is going to be going on at our place from now on. It will be a great opportunity to connect parts of our training facility, and plus, it will feel cooler doing abs in the ring.
Nice form, Brian. And another great Best Buy ad!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
WOD September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
WOD September 4, 2008
For time:
10 box jumps
1 pullup
9 box jumps
2 pullups
8 box jumps
3 pullups
7 box jumps
4 pullups
6 box jumps
5 pullups
5 box jumps
6 pullups
4 box jumps
7 pullups
3 box jumps
8 pullups
2 box jumps
9 pullups
1 box jump
10 pullups
OK, so is anybody *sore* from Tuesday? Because I sure am, and I heard through the grapevine (Alan) that Mike is, and I know Jess is because I caught her punching her thighs (in an effort to relieve them- not sure how that works). What should you do when you're sore?-Because Crossfit and sore go together like...Chuck Liddell's fist and Rashad Evans' face this Saturday night. Things to do when you're sore to help alleviate discomfort: drink lots of water; maybe take an ibuprofen or two; stretch; exercise the sore area a little- really- to loosen it up; eat some extra protein (this won't alleviate soreness, but it will help ensure that if your tenderness is caused by torn muscle fiber, you'll get the amino acids needed to rebuild your muscles); beg someone for a massage; congratulate yourself on kicking your own as* and helping yourself get into better shape!
21 pushups.
Nice one, Sonya. Bet you were sore from this workout too!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
WOD September 3, 2008
Liftin' day:
Shoulder Press
As always, peak your weight around number 5, then back off a little and get really good form the last 2. Not tired? Do some skill work- fix up those overhead squats, pullups, GHD situps, double unders. There's always room for improvement.
20 pushups, my dears.
Lookin' good, Ben!
Monday, September 1, 2008
WOD September 2, 2008
As many rounds as you can complete in 2 minutes:
3 med ball cleans
6 pushups (no knees!)
9 air squats
Rest one minute; perform 5 times.
Hope everybody had a good Labor Day, and that everyone is in "back to school/back to the gym" mode :) You'll see some changes in instructors- just to accommodate people's schedules- and Steven will get certified in 2 weeks, so we'll have a new coach!
Don't forget- Lift Seminar this Saturday at 10 in Signal Hill (for those of you who haven't attended one yet).
Check out Angie's gun show- when I saved this pic on my computer, I actually entitled it "angieguns."
Ironically, you should rest on Labor Day, which was created to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of the American worker. Perhaps we should institute Crossfit Day, which we would create to celebrate the fitness-related accomplishments and contributions of sweat, tears, and torn muscle fiber of the American Crossfitter. As today is the first official Crossfit Day, you should all rest and eat anti-Zone food, such as ice cream, pizza, and cupcakes. Hey, it's all about balance. Plus, kudos to you if you were at the workout on Saturday and despite extreme soreness you can successfully get a cupcake into your mouth!
18 pushups today.
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