Pukie can't seem to stay loyal to any one particular girl...
Double Unders (or tuck jumps- NO singles!)
Situps (your choice- GHD or abmat or some combination thereof)
+47 pushups.
Pushups got you down? Hey- we're almost half way there!!! Good stuff, right?
A couple of words about double unders...they are hard. OK, that was 3 words. But they are a lot about technique. Don't have your double under yet? Here are a few tips: get good at regular jump roping first (if you can't do singles, you sure as heck can't do doubles); jump a few singles, then try a double (don't try a double from a stand still when you're learning-- you'll never get it); after you've got one, just keep practicing (do a few singles, then a double, then continue into singles, etc. etc.). While you're learning, if the rope makes it 3x around, that counts as one (provided you're jumping high and putting some effort in). If you just can't do 'em, tuck jumps are the way to go- you'll be doing the same amount of work and intensity, you just won't be getting the agility component of the workout.
Here, Vic demonstrates that it is possible to simultaneously kick your own ass and encourage someone else to kick their own. Don't forget to pass on a few words of encouragement to your fellow Crossfitters today!
I know, I know: I owe a Cindy and a Helen, so I'm going to double-up a couple times this week -- daily WOD in the morning, then the chick of choice in the evening.
Birthed 47 puppies in today's pushup litter.
I did the Annie WOD with Kim, today, which is no fair: she does three times the amount of work I did on the double unders and makes it look easier!
Yeah, Moose. But my way is much less efficient than yours. Case in point... you beat me by like 4 minutes!
47 done...
47 done
Man, Cindy kicked my butt yesterday. I would have done more rounds if in the later rounds I could have actually mustered up more than 2 pullups in a row, but then I would probably be even more sore than I am.
Going to do Annie in the back yard when I get home, and then ice my entire body down.
See you crazy little Crossfitters on Wednesday evening.
47 done. I felt the need to complete yesterday's 46 as well, even after doing "Cindy".
47 done
47 are done!
47 done
Good job today guys!!
Am=abmat Du=double unders Tj=tuck jumps
Brian 16:30 Am/Du
Carissa 17:27 Am/Du
Luis 17:23 Ghd/Du
Sonia 23:12 Ghd/Tj
Deeanna 14:03 Ghd/Tj
See you guys Thursday!!
47 down...
The sweetest part is only a few thousand left
23:22 on "Annie" today (double unders/ghd)...Don't like her!!!!!
Strong showing by the morning crowd at crossfit today. Keep up the good work!
Larry 9:50 Tj/GHD
Ricky 1500 Tj/Am
Victoria 16:19 Tj/Am
Diana 12:30 Tj/Am
Victoria 13:10 Tj/Am
Chuckie 9:18 Tj/Am
Marissa 10:11 Tj/Am
Andrea 10:53 Tj/Am
Andy 12:00 Du/Am
Nancy 15:56 Tj/GHD
Erik 10:03 Tj/GHD
Marylou 14:13 Tj/Am
Jim 8:05 Tj/GHD
steven 9:53 Tj/GHD
Jeff 17:10 Du/Am
Ray 19:30 Du/Am/GHD
Jon 12:49 Du/GHD
Kim 15:30 Du/GHD
Robert 23:22 Du/GHD
Eric had his first crossfit workout today! Kelly what a woman.
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