5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
+46 pushups for the Pushup Club.
Guys, this week we're going to start collecting your sizes for the Pushup Club T-shirts, too- so be aware. We're playing around with what will go on the shirt, and may take a vote on it, so please rock the vote and give us your two cents. Otherwise, Lord knows what kind of saying Alan will come up with.
Get up there, Kev!
46 done.
46 done man those are getting harder each day but a little easier each day. my word verification said "pood" ha ha...
Sickness....pure sickness!!!
You guys were amazing this morning.
M=modified pullup and/or pushup
5:30 am
Ben-12 rounds
Diana-11 rounds(M)
Jeremy-14 rounds
Luis-18 rounds
Jim-15 rounds
Andrea-13 rounds(M)
MaryLou-13 rounds(M)
Paty-14 rounds(M)
Nancy-11 rounds(M)
Ray-11 rounds
Kim-18 rounds
Robin-16 rounds
Steven-21 rounds
Peter-22 rounds
Jason- 23 rounds
Jason, I see you made your goal of 23 rounds. Rock on, brotha!
46 done.
43, 44, and 46 done today. Oh lord, the pushups . . .
46 in the box. Cindy bears a strange familial resemblance to Murph.
Tustin 7 PM:
John 11(M)
Natalie 7(M)
Jared 14
Matt 15
Steven 15
Garth 15(M)
Earl 9 (M)
New Crossfitters "Kelly":
Jason 23:16
Sir 29:27
Good job guys
46 done
46 plus the 45 for yesterday.
M=Modified pullup and/or pushup
Katherine-12 rounds(M)
Jason-10 rounds(M)
Kirk-12 rounds
Lily-14 rounds(M)
Charlyne-13 rounds(M)
Danny-12 rounds(M)
Dee-13 rounds(M)
Brian-12 rounds(couple of M rounds)
If you guys are over Cindy and on the prowl for a new girlfriend don't worry, Annie is looking for you!
46 done
46 push ups are done go me!!!!
46 done
46 down
We are all caught up I had some computer problems not been able to login...46 done and... we shall move on.
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