Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WOD September 24, 2008

3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 m
Sprint 100 m
Rest as long as you need to between rounds.
+41 pushups.
I've begged. I've pleaded. I've asked. I've demanded (!) that you sign up for FGB, but alas, many of you have resisted my efforts. As such, I'm just going to let the sheer awesomeness of the causes that we are training for woo you. Among the many things that the Wounded Warrior Project does, they prepare backpacks filled with pajamas, tolietries, etc. for wounded soldiers who arrive stateside at medical centers with only the hospital gown on their backs. It's often the first thing that recovering soldiers mention when asked about the WWP. It’s the same with all the combat-injured troops. They’re whisked from the scene where they were wounded; their uniforms are taken at the first medical station they reach. They go one way, usually to Landstuhl; their belongings, what little they have in Iraq or Afghanistan, goes somewhere else. The troops arrive at stateside military medical centers in hospital gowns; often, they don’t even have toothbrushes. So a WWP backpack full of simple clothing and toiletries can be a big deal – a very big deal.

So come on and pitch in gang. For a little money and a lot of sweat, you could actually make a difference in someone's life.


Anonymous said...

Top o' the mornin'!
Great job, who knew you guys would be so fast so early...
Nancy- 1:56/2:03/2:02
Marissa- 1:56/1:59/2:02
Stephan- 1:53/1:54/2:00
John- 1:50/1:48/1:43
Larry- 1:45/1:26/1:30
Ricky- 2:19/2:13/2:18
Victoria- 2:23/2:21/2:34

Mustafa said...

41 in. 5:30's a good time to work out!

Anonymous said...

41 done

yeah.. i dunno If I can do the 5:30 thing just yet

Anonymous said...

Aaaand . . . that's 41.

Hey, who's the creepy guy sitting in the car outside the Signal Hill Crossfit? A Philip Seymour Hoffman look-alike was just chilling in his car, eating Del Taco and watching us do sprints. I'd like to chalk it up to me developing a fan base, but that's just weird.

Anonymous said...

41 done. we are getting deep and getting closer to the magic 100. can still make through with out stopping but that last push up is a bitch.these shirts better be the greatest shirt's ever made!!


Mustafa said...

Sounds familiar, Jason (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5095848106961246467&postID=5788913374336713743).

I did my web sign-up for Fight Gone Bad, and I started it out with my own contribution. Both causes are more than worthy, so they have more than earned my little bit.

It is so easy to sign up AND to set up a little web-page (it's like 5 minutes). You don't have to donate a million dollars, nor do you have to raise a billion. Even if you raise only $25 or $50, that's a much appreciated effort. Somebody's daughter and son in uniform is going to get our care packages and feel very loved and appreciated. That means a heck of a lot to people in harm's way in the military service.

Here's my link: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=275345&lis=1&kntae275345=52BB5105EEFB42819A4B04F57B726B23&supId=233719912

Anonymous said...

Morning classes, 2nd and 3rd editions...
Luis- 1:33/1:35/1:37
Jeremy- 1:39/1:38/1:38
Arthur- 1:48/1:50/1:47
Earl- 4:03/3:58/4:15
Jim- 1:42/1:40/1:39
Kim- 2:08/2:01/1:55
Jason A- 1:42/1:39/1:41

Dee- 2:26/2:20/2:29
Roger- 1:51/1:57/2:10
Brian- 2:26/2:24/2:26
Camille- 2:16/2:13/2:15

Alright Moose, one more signed up!!
We need more of our crossfitters for the Fight Gone Bad!!!
C'mon gang, you can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, did my 40 for yesterday and 41 for today.
And about that guy in the car...
He's our new running coach. I talked with him after class and he gave some advice on how to make your times faster. I'll pass along his expertise to everyone. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

41 done for the day. I didn't enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

41 done

Anonymous said...

41 done and signed up for Fight Gone Bad. Like John said, it's easy to sign up. Just can't call you "Moose"

Anonymous said...

Tustin times:
Earl: 4:06, 4:19, 4:28
Brandi: some running, some ghd situps, etc. etc.
Garth (shoveling) 15#, 13:24
Israel (shoveling) 15#, 17:28
Jenn (shoveling) 15#, 15:49
Jared some shoveling, 105 pushups...
Hey- we had some issues...but everybody worked up a sweat!!!

Anonymous said...

36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 = 231 DONE...That sucked!!!!!

Won't be missing any more days..sick or not.

Anonymous said...

Check this out people. Another reason to sign up for FGB and support The Wounded Warrior Project. I just found this tonight.

Cut and Paste this link in your web browser

Anonymous said...

Long Beach 6pm
Aaron- 1:42/1:49/1:45
T- 2:25/2:29/2:31

Sorry you two weren't able to see the creepy car guy tonite...but there was some jerk with a stopwatch and pad of paper that kept yelling at you, oh wait, that was me.


Anonymous said...

41 done