"Ali the Incredible"- from Crossfit San Diego
5 rounds for time:
15 burpee/wall ball
15 situps (GHD or abmat)
Perform the burpee/wall ball by first kicking into a plank with your hands on the ball, then descend until your chest touches the ball, jump your feet back to the ball and clean and toss it above the 10 foot target. If you can't do the burpee/wall ball, you can do the burpee portion with your hands on the ground, then pick up the ball and do the wall ball.
So, where will you all be on Saturday at 10 am? Oh right. I know. You'll be at the Cherry gym doing the monthly football-themed shredder. And drinkin' some beer- just like any weekend involving football.
Please don't forget- give us your T-shirt sizes for the pushup club T-shirts! There is a sheet at both Cherry and in Tustin- we just need your name and size.
Nice job Sarah! Way to pull that head through! :)
Where is everybody? Well, I guess I'll post something. Today my exercise has consisted of: walking up the stairs an extra time after being forced to leave the building when someone in the nursing home set off the fire alarm; walking to the kitchen to get my lunch; typing; and walking to and from my car. All in all, not a very active day- although brainwise it's been challenging, that's for sure, trying to figure out what the heck is going on with one of my inpatients. There is little possibility that matters will improve, exercise-wise, as tonight I'll be driving the desk down in Tustin. I wonder if I'm at risk for deep vein thrombosis due to too much sitting (like those people who never get up during 12 hour flights)? I'm at least definitely at risk for a wider, flatter butt (great).
63 done. Now I'm gonna go do some wallball burpies. I don't know who thought up this exercise, it's just plain mean.
63 done... the cult leader is right where is evrybody. moose ,kim where you at. moos ehas like 2 or 3 by now.send out the search party
63 done by virtue of the burpies.
I've been stalking around my notepad all day, trying to create dialogue for a sketch I'm writing about people who do psychotically intensive workouts for fun. Where the hell am I going to get inspiration for that? Fiction is so difficult . . .
Jim, maybe you could ask the people at Curves??? They may have some helpful feedback for your dilemma.
Thanks Jenn, tried it. Two hours of low-impact pilates and one makeover later, and I'm no closer to my original goal, but my self-esteem is booming. I WILL fit into that size four by the ten-year reunion!
Curves! I'm peeing my pants laughing right now!
Oh, and remember how you get even more sore two days after a difficult workout? Yeah, my legs were not happy about wallball/burpees today.
Gotta rest up for Saturday!
LOL. So I wanted to make another clever comment about the Curves thing, so I googled "Curves for men" in an attempt to find some more poor, unfit but trying very hard, people to pick on. That was definitely not the google I had in mind- "curves for men," among other things, is a men's magazine featuring women exercising...and, (and this is even funnier) somehow the "correctional facility restricted version" popped up.
I'm embarrassed into submission.
OWWWWWWWWWWWWCH!!! I learned today that deadlifts yesterday was NOT a good idea so soon after squats. My legs feel like overstuffed muscle balloons with invisible spikes strategically jammed up and down my quads.
Even so, I had a LOT of work to do today, so I couldn't make it in -- but that's no excuse: I did the WOD slightly modified (after regulation warm up) -- cuz ah feels like a slug if I don't get mah CrossFit on!
- No med ball, so I took two 5 lb bags of rice, stuffed them in an old leather satchel, cinched it and went to town. To compensate for the weight differential, I did my 63 pushups right before attacking the WOD.
- No GHD machine or abmat, so I used a turtle and two live kittens (which looked a lot like three sets of square-folded sheets).
Time: 15:15
Sadly, yes, there were rice casualties (click on inset photo).
63 are done!
63 done Car jacking tomorrow!
This was a great one today. Keep up the good work everyone!
Larry 9:18 RXD
Ricky 21:00 Abmat
Tori 26:20 Abmat
Victoira 23:58 Abmat
John 29:32 Abmat
Chuckie 12:45 GHD
Jim 11:30 GHD
Kim 12:13 GHD
Alex 12:45 GHD
Angie 13:17 GHD
Sara 15:01 GHD
Lisa 15:33 Abmat
Peter 10:00 GHD
Lizen 19:48
Good job last night guys!!
Oscar 14:03 am
Luis 14:18 ghd
Deeanna 16:29 ghd
Jason h 18:08 am
See you saturday for the group workout.
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