Run, Forrest, Run!
4 rounds:
Sprint 400 m.
Rest as long as you need to between rounds.
If you don't want to run, you can always row 500 m instead. The rowing conversion is 400m run = 500m row; 800m run = 1000m row. Don't think that you're getting off easy, either. Rowing is serious business. A rowing machine can help you strengthen the core of the body, where a great deal of our functional strength lies. By placing resistance on the upper body, a rowing machine can seriously increase the functional strength of the forearms, the shoulders and the chest (and Crossfit is all about functional strength!). Of course, a rowing machine aids in developing leg strength too. Rowing is not for pansies who don't feel like running- it's not *easier* to row.
71 pushups. That's einundsiebzig, for our German friends (if my ability to spell in German is still spot on).
In this case, Mike, you're wrong. Yesterday was not easy!
Lizen - my FF teammie - and I went to Venice High School (14 yrs apart), so I took my WOD cue from our school mascot and motto: The Gondolier, "Rowing Not Drifting" (whatever that means...see inset). After the Wod, I'm kind of thinking running, not rowing. *WHEW*
Powerhouse Andrea rowed out the WOD with me today; the Good Doctor is right: it ain't no stroll on the beach! Andrea rows like a motorboat (avg-2:01.5/hi-1:59/low-2:02); I did O.K. (avg-1:44.25/hi-1:41/low-1:47), and I pushed out my 71 while Andrea rowed!
O.K. Doc. give us a WOD we can do on the road, since some of us are going to Vegas to watch our guys fight! GOOD LUCK 360!!!
71 pushups done
71 done for us!
That's 71.
71 push ups done
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