5 rounds for time:
400 m run
30 box jumps- remember, open up those hip flexors, or it doesn't count...
30 wall balls
-And no, Chris, since you just did baby Kelly tonight, you don't have to do big girl Kelly on Tuesday! :) Steve will come up with something, I'm sure.
Here's a thought- why not do a little stretching after this b*tch of a workout? Good areas to hit would be your hip flexors and quads.
+68 pushups. In my ongoing quest to keep the blog interesting, here are some facts about 1968. Upon review, it doesn't seem it was man's finest moment, as the following things happened: My Lai massacre; Martin Luther King Jr is shot; the musical Hair opened on Broadway (perhaps not as serious an affront as the previous two items, but still an affront in the area of entertainment); a young Saddam Hussein becomes Vice Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, laying the foundation for a notorious career and dozens of statues to be erected in his honor; and the White Album is released by the Beatles (SO not cool). On a positive note, Gary Coleman was born.
Check out Aaron, Pullup Master of the Universe! Cool shirt.
What's with the silent boards? It isn't like people aren't coming out to CrossFit - there's a huge turn out lately.
68 done. Also in 1968:
- Robert Kennedy was assassinated;
- the Cincinnati Bengals debuted in the NFL;
- both George Mosquero and I were 5 years old - and either one of us can still kick your a**!
Today's photo inset, Tatiana doing her impression of "Kelly."
She is so cute!!!!
Mustafa, you don't look a day over 25 :)
Yeah, wow! I've loved the masses of Crossfitters that have been showing up these past few days!
It's been great to see all the sweaty faces gasping for air along w/ me :)
Guys, check out my blog this week... Kim's Blog
I'm writing some stuff about our awesome Crossfit instructors!
68 done
Guess I don't have the attachment thing worked out yet... it's www.deliberatemovement.blogspot.com :)
68 done. Nice article Kim!
Oh Kelly.....you're a mean one after being away for two weeks........68 done.
67 and 68 done.
68 are done!!!!!!!
Good job guys!!
Kevin 28:00
Ben 33:27
Carissa 33:56
Deeanna 31:05
Luis 32:32
And we had a first timer that did mini Kelly!!
Jairo 19:06
See you Thursday!!
68 done. Is "Kelly" a close relative of "Murph"? Because they're both way super fun! I'm gonna use Wednesday to rest like no one's ever rested before. I think I'll nap for time.
The full Kelly was no joke. Keep up the good work!
Larry 34:03 24#
Victoria 41::47
Lizen 36:47
Marissa 36:15
Andrea 37:59
John 46:49
Jim 25:33
Robin 28:10
Arthur 35:11
Jason 22:38
Andy 23:40
Sergio 24:00 4rd
Jesse 37:13
Robert 36:32
Ray 30:48
Kim 28:39
Lisa 34:02
Mustafa 35:19
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