Thursday, October 16, 2008

WOD October 17, 2008

Heavy day- time to check on how we're all progressing...
Crossfit Total
1 Back Squat
1 Shoulder Press
1 Deadlift
This is your max weight for each of these exercises- remember that you may wind up doing more than one of each- e.g. if you suffer from low self-esteem, you'll underestimate how much weight you can do, then realize it's too light when you do the rep and have to do another to see what your real max weight is. Also, you'll want to do some warm up movements at lighter weights.
64 pushups gang. As I'm running out of ways to keep the blog entertaining, I googled the number 64. Turns out, March 5 is the 64th day of the year, and is historically quite an eventful date. On March 5 (during a variety of years) the following things happened: John Belushi overdosed, Martha Stewart was convicted of obstructing justice, Joseph Stalin died, and an abortive Fenian uprising against English rule took place in Ireland. That last one was for Jason A.
Check out this completely weird photo that Robert sent me awhile back. So, that's Erik's back to the camera...but it also looks like that's Erik staring back at you, hanging from the rafters with kind of a weird look on his face. I don't know what's more disturbing- that, or the legs that look like they are protruding from him.


Mustafa said...

It's Friday, and I'm starting to realize why Dr. J and Alan prescribed all of those squats the other day: because our quads would be too sore for us to run angrily after them! By the time the inflammation goes down, they're thinking the torches will have burned out, and we all will have calmed down and forgiven them.

I know I can't stay angry for long. And I do admire their constant dedication to us. Darn you Predolins: stop being so adorable!

Happy to have hit my personal best on the shoulder press today (195), though the back squat and deadlift were respectable too (245/345).

64 done on the floor! What's in store for tomorrow?????

Anonymous said...

127 pushups done, it sucks to miss a day now.
WOD Burpwallball/Abmat 12:00

Anonymous said...

64 done.

I had fun at the carjacking seminar. but unfortunately the gun being held from the back position defense will not work in my car so I hope that never happens! It seems my seat belt holster takes up all the room that the gun is to be diverted to. The thing made to save me could some day get me killed! wtf

Anonymous said...

64 pushups all present and accounted for.

Anonymous said...

64 done!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone make sure to write do your weights used when we lift. It will make our Max days that much more effective.


Jim 235/165/325
Jesse 185
Jeremy 285/155/325
Luis 105/95/165
Mustafa 245/195/345
Chuck 345/185/385
Alex /105/245
Roger 225/125/235

GB 16:33 2rounds